Hamas Poses Threat to Global Security: Authorities Arrest Four Suspects and Reveal Terrorist Attacks on Jewish Institutions in Europe

Foiled: The Long Arm Prevented a Hamas Attack on “Jewish Targets” in Europe

In December, German prosecutors announced that four suspects, including an Egyptian, two Lebanese and a Dutch citizen, had been identified as “Hamas veterans”. The weapons they possessed were intended for potential terrorist attacks on Jewish institutions in Europe. It was revealed that the suspects had left Berlin multiple times in search of weapons.

In January, the Shin Bet and Mossad disclosed Hamas’ efforts to carry out terrorist attacks in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. On December 14th 2023 authorities in Denmark and Germany conducted a widespread arrest of suspects who are now undergoing legal proceedings. Through ongoing intelligence efforts, information has emerged showing Hamas’ intentions to expand its violent activities overseas to harm innocent people worldwide.

The ministry stated that Hamas takes inspiration from the actions of the Iranian regime and shares a similar goal of targeting Israeli, Jewish, and Western entities at any cost. This poses a significant threat to global security and highlights the need for continued vigilance against terrorist organizations like Hamas.

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